Thursday, January 22, 2009

Uncanny Roswell

Here’s a new book to which I have contributed two chapters: Uncanny Encounters: Roswell.

The book has an interesting concept: while my contributions are specifically on what we know (or think we know!) about Roswell in the world of fact, the other authors have all penned sci-fi/fantasy fiction stories borne out of the Roswell legend.

As the publisher states:

“Where Fact Meets Fiction. Join our panel of award winning authors as they explore the Roswell crash both historically and through the lens of science fiction & fantasy. History by noted researcher Nick Redfern plus stories by Robert E. Vardeman, Jean Rabe, and Stephen D. Sullivan. Believer or skeptic, this book is sure to provide new insights on the most famous UFO incident in history!”

Here’s the link if you want to buy your own copy.

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