Secret Japanese balloon flights; FOIA documents linking Japan's notorious Unit 731 with disturbing events at "Roswell-Central" - Lincoln County, New Mexico; and official files concerning dwarfs used in radiation experiments in the summer of 1947, are just the tip of a large and ever-growing iceberg.
And, here's Greg himself to tell you more:
"Forget that other announcement about an impending book by Dan Whatisname - I've got the goods for you, and you can have it now. That's right, Darklore Volume 3 is now available for sale!
"Hidden history, the paranormal and Forteana, all packed into 316 fascinating pages of fun. As with previous releases, DL3 is available in paperback format, or as a limited edition hardcover, restricted to just 333 copies, for all the collectors out there."
Amazon US Limited Edition Hardcover
Amazon US Paperback
Amazon UK Limited Edition Hardcover
Amazon UK Paperback
"Here's a sampling of the kick-ass content in Volume 3:
"Nick Redfern has some groundbreaking revelations about the Roswell mystery, which suggest that what happened in New Mexico was completely human, and rather nasty to boot. This one is going to cause plenty of controversy!
"Robert Bauval investigates the missing sarcophagus of the Egyptian pharaoh Menkaure.
"Mike Jay takes a look at how the world's most famous fictional detective, Sherlock Holmes, had quite a raging cocaine habit.
"Robert Schoch finds a sacred Egyptian locale which may have provided the setting for the Biblical tale of Moses upon the mountain.
"Theo Paijmans examines the occult roots of Nazi technology.
"Greg Taylor goes in search of near-death experiences, before they were known to the general public.
"The Emperor looks at what may be the greatest sci-fi tale ever told: The Philadelphia Experiment.
"Adam Gorightly digs deep into sordid tales of sex, drugs and UFOs.
"Greg Bishop profiles the 'Magus of Delaware', Mario Pazzaglini.
"Geoff Falla finds interesting connections between earthquakes and meteor reports.
"Blair MacKenzie Blake opens his rare-book collection to give us all a glimpse into the strange circumstances surrounding the legendary 'Varo Edition' of UFO investigator M.K. Jessup's book The Case for the UFO.
"Philip Coppens traces the forgotten (or is that hidden?!) traditions surrounding the star Canopus.
"Michael Tymn tells a tale of archaeology from beyond the grave.
"Neil Arnold goes in search of Dutch monsters in his article 'Neverland in the Netherlands'.
"Once again, it's a great mix of subjects, from some of the best researchers and writers in the field. I'll be posting some free content from DL3 later in the week, just in case you're not convinced by the above.
"I really appreciate the support everyone has shown for Darklore so far (Volume 1 has now sold around 1500 copies), and I'm sure that Volume 3 will give you plenty of enjoyment. Each release we're aiming to be bigger and better, so please don't hesitate to send feedback - good or bad - on what you think of the anthology.
"Lastly, for those who think the cover image is pretty sweet, I'll be posting some desktop wallpaper versions tomorrow for downloading.
"Let's see if we can give that Brown fellow a run for his money in the Amazon rankings (hey, I can dream can't I?)...."
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