For those who may be interested, a Japanese edition of my
Body Snatchers in the Desert book has just been published. It will be interesting to see if this results in any more data coming forward on this particular aspect of the Roswell affair...
For more data on this edition, click here.
I notice the silhouetted "alien" is decidedly progeric . . .
Yeah, and they actually included some cool artwork that they put together for the inside of the book too.
Although I'm still partial to "ACCIDENTES COSMICOS!!"
Shout it loud! LOL
Since WWII is still pretty much an unresolved issue in Japanese society, I wouldn't be surprised if your book causes a lot of ripples in the land of the Rising Sun, Nick!
I for one think that the Japanese will not say much about your book. They will say it did not happen. just like all the other bad stuff from WWII. the Germans and the Russians did not admit wrong doing.We also will not step up and admit we did any thing wrong. HMMM strange world no one did it.
D. Reeder
My personal view is that the book won't cause any major ripples - in the same way that most books that focuses on matters relative to UFOs only appeals to a minority, and have very little effect outside of the small ufological field.
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